Stone River Elearning – Enterprise Blockchain Solutions

Stone River Elearning – Enterprise Blockchain Solutions

Blockchain technologies are now more than just a trial run. They are ing to go from a Proof of Concept to a Production use case. As a pre sales engineer, solutions engineer or technically focused expert facing customers knowing how to speak blockchain is going to a required skill especially for large VARs, Vendors, Integrators, etc.

So if your a customer facing technical sales expert focused on driving revenue then this course will help enable you get ed talking blockchain. The course would also be helpful to sales executives, Technical Account Managers and IT Managers

As a past solutions engineer, pre sales engineer and professional services engineer for companies such as HP 3PAR, HDS Federal (Vion), Brocade Communications and Dimension Data one thing I know well is how to sell solutions. Blockchain is going to part of the enterprise so knowing it could be critical if your part of a high volume VAR, Integrator or Vendor.

Stone River eLearning | eLearning Technology Courses

What You’ll Learn In Enterprise Blockchain Solutions?


  • Introduction to the Course (2:38)
  • Audience Targeted for the course (3:46)

Pre Sales & Solutions Engineering and the Blockchain

  • Is Blockchain All or Nothing (5:06)
  • Request for Proposals (8:41)
  • Request for Proposals Fintech (6:49)
  • Proof of Concepts (15:53)
  • Return on Investments (11:30)
  • Value Creation (13:38)
  • Cost Modeling (13:02)
  • Cost Considerations (16:04)

Blockchain Technicals

  • Enterprise Integration (8:09)
  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Differences (4:57)
  • Blockchain Basics (11:35)
  • Blockchain Components (9:25)
  • Enterprise Blockchains (5:41)
  • Mining and Consensus (15:04)
  • Ledgers (5:41)
  • Permissioned vs Permissionless (17:51)
  • Trust and the Blockchain (5:11)
  • Trustless and Blockchain (6:32)
  • Transparency in the Blockchain (5:19)
  • Development in Blockchain (3:48)
  • Dapps (9:28)
  • Terminology (10:46)
  • Scalability (15:21)
  • Transactions per Second (11:07)
  • Review Questions (4:29)

Enterprise Blockchain Overview

  • Comparison of Blockchains (4:08)
  • Hyperledger (11:15)
  • Ethereum (9:08)
  • Quorum (15:19)
  • Corda (13:37)
  • Ripple (9:19)
  • Blockstream (2:30)

Blockchain Demos and Resources

  • Hashing (6:35)
  • Block Demo (6:13)
  • Demobench (18:57)
  • IBM BaaS Part 1 (19:48)
  • IBM BaaSPart 2 (4:52)
  • Ethereum Metamask (5:08)
  • Ethereum IO (4:17)
  • Ethereum Nodes (5:39)

Use Case Studies

  • Use Case Ripple (3:43)
  • Use Case Dubai (7:41)

Course Closeout and Good Luck

  • Roles (3:28)
  • CBSA (3:26)
  • Course Closeout (4:45)

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