Warsoption – Warsoption’s Advanced Option Trading Calculator Excel Spreadsheet

Warsoption – Warsoption’s Advanced Option Trading Calculator Excel Spreadsheet

Even though options trading is proven to be very profitable, it is clear that going blindly and not having the right tools to analyze the strategies means that we can lose control of the trade and therefore, our money.

If you are just beginning…

You may have already noticed that even simple strategies such as buying calls or puts are not so easy to understand and this makes you lose money and gain frustration.

Although you have considered using strategies with several legs, you have not been able to do it because understanding them is a challenge since they depend on too many variables… and it is clear that understanding this at the beginning is not an easy task.

If you have experience…

You know how complex two-branch strategies work and how time, volatility, and the underlying affect the trade…
But you also know that as you add more legs, the strategy gets more complicated, and its behavior varies. dramatically. And keeping track of each branch separately is challenging, but keeping track of the entire strategy is even more difficult.

If you are an expert…

You know how fast the market changes and many times, this forces you to modify the previous analysis, making you lose the ability to react, resulting in worse entries and lower profits…

Besides, how much time do you usually waste on average recording your trades in a journal? It is not the first time that you leave it for later, and in the end, you end up recording the operation several days later, losing part of the information.

What You’ll Learn In Warsoption’s Advanced Option Trading Calculator Excel Spreadsheet?

  • Advanced Calculator V7.xslm: This is the Excel of the current version that will allow you to create all the options strategies where you will analyze, simulate and adjust your trade.
  • Transaction Log.xlsx: This is the Excel in which your options trades will be registered and sorted by opening date, allowing you to view your results by month
  • User Guide.pdf: These are the instructions on how to use the Calculator and the Log, detailed by section, step by step so that you can squeeze the maximum potential out of it.
  • Contact, Tutorials and FAQ: It is a pdf that includes detailed video tutorials on how to use the Calculator, a FAQ in which we answer the most frequently asked questions, and our contact information in case you need us to solve any doubt.

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