Price Action Trading Program
Learn To Trade The Financial Markets Using A Modern Price Action Trading Methodology
What Will You Get From Enrolling In The Price Action Program?
Trade with more confidence, clarity and discipline to accelerate your learning curve.
This comprehensive course will give you everything you need to trade using price action.
Detailed trading strategies, trigger setups, risk management rules and more…
What You’ll Learn In Price Action Trading Program?
- How to look at the markets differently and set yourself apart from other traders.
- ​Interpreting supply and demand and spotting imbalances.
- ​Hunting momentum ignition – When price is about to trend.
- ​Using a filters & trigger process for optimum trade performance.
- ​Grading your trades (for aggressive traders)
- ​Specific strategies within Momentum Ignition and Price Exhaustion categories
- ​How to capitalise on institutional orderflow?
Who Is This Course For?
Traders who benefit most from this course usually fall into one or more of the below categories.
You are unhappy with your current trading and are looking to start with a clean slate, a fresh mindset and new approach to your trading.
You are looking for an additional trading methodology to compliment your existing strategies.
You are taking 2 steps forward and 3 steps backwards all the time. You’re close but something is missing.
Your discipline is lacking and you always seem to break your trading rules.
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