Tom Nunamaker – Easy Peasy Iron Condor Class

Tom Nunamaker – Easy Peasy Iron Condor Class

Easy Peasy Iron Condor trade is a 0 Days-to-expiration (DTE) iron condor trade that expire the same day the trade is entered. These trades are commonly referred to as “0 DTE”, “same-day expiration” or “same-day expiry” trades.

I average about 3 trades per day. Sometimes I can exit in 15-40 minutes, while other times I hold to expiration. I use multiple stops for each side of the condor.

The EPIC trade uses SPX options as they are very liquid and have daily expirations.

What You’ll Learn In Easy Peasy Iron Condor Class?

These are the main strategies that will be covered in the class:

  • Breakeven Iron Condor – John Einar Sandvand’s most profitable options trade. John Einar had an annual yield of more than 70% in 16-months of trading. I will show you an easy way to load these trades into thinkorswim.
  • The Multiple Entry Iron Condor – This is Tammy Chambless’s style of trading iron condors. This is very similar to the Breakeven Iron Condor with several differences.
  • The Easy Peasy Iron Condor – This is my version of a combination of the BEIC, MEIC and my own style of trading iron condors.

About Tom Nunamaker

I am Tom Nunamaker. I founded Aeromir in Jan 2018 and have been trading options since 1982 before I joined the Air Force to fly. I’ve traded options for many years and started as a gathering place for like minded option traders. I run a weekly trading group, a daily 0 DTE trading room and trade every day.

My favorite trade is the Easy Peasy Iron Condor as it immediately puts stops on both sides of the iron condor so you’ll never blow up your account trading this strategy. Returns are excellent and because I trade same day expirations so there is no over night or weekend risk!

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Tom Nunamaker – Easy Peasy Iron Condor Class

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