Stratagem Trading – Which Strategy And When
The most ambitious learning experience we have put together is finally here. This course will cover almost every strategy that exists so naming everything is a near impossibility, but we’ll try anyway.
From beginner to advanced students, shorten your learning curve by years through the most ambitious and detailed course ever attempted by StratagemTrade, and won’t be offered by anyone else. You want to get into a seasoned trader’s mind? You are in the right place.
Not to worry, there will be a worksheet roadmap that can guide you in this journey.
What You’ll Learn In Which Strategy And When
- Class Recordings (~13 hours)
- Handout of Class Slides
- Which Strategy When Matrix with Footnotes
- Supplemental P.O.T. Classes (15)
- Short Butterfly and Condor, Rolling Thunder, Ratio Spreads, Gamma Scalping, Dragon Fly Criteria, Morning Jelly Roll, Dragonfly vs Butterfly, Diagonal Spreads, Baby Vipars, Pair Trades, Unbalanced Birds, Newton’s Cradle, Long Term Alchemy, What is Razzle Dazzle?
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