My Options Edge – Stock Options Strategy: The Ride Trade
The king of my trading strategies is delivering exceptional results. A key strategy of my Hedge Fund. This low-risk income options strategy is using longer-dated options to deliver exceptional consistency and strategically positioned Calendar Spreads. Used with SPY and QQQ. The target profit is 10%-15% monthly.
Buy this options strategy if you want to become consistent and …
- you are struggling to become profitable on financial trading;
- may have bought a stock options course, but it is theoretical or promised “miracle” results that do not materialize;
- have basic options knowledge and need a proper trading strategy to apply in the real markets;
- tried technical analysis but is not producing the promised results and is confusing;
- used trading indicators and they deliver non-profitable signals.
What You’ll Learn In Stock Options Strategy: The Ride Trade
- This income options strategy aims a Delta Neutral positioning which means it tries to minimize price fluctuations of the underlying and get profitability from options time decay (and Implied Volatility variations). Several adjustments are possible with some flexibility but always under clear guidelines.
- The options structure uses a strike prices selection based on options Delta that will adapt to market conditions at the moment the trade is entered.
- Additionally, the selection of the options chains that support the Calendar Spreads used on each trade serves to avoid excessive fluctuations and adjustment needs. Very short-term options are much more volatile than longer-term, although they deliver higher Theta.
- This income strategy delivers positive Theta and positive Vega. This means that we do not need to be stressed about the market not moving (Delta) as time passes. In the Ride trades, we are on the right side as time passes, capturing profits.
- This trade structure includes several Calendar Spreads and is positioned to deliver a wide price interval where SPY or QQQ can fluctuate to deliver profits. Even in cases where there are bigger movements, there are adjustments to be carried out with the goal of managing directional risk, as well as keep producing profits.